/* * UnifiProtectChild-PTZCamera * * Description: * This Hubitat driver provides a spot to put data from Unifi Protect PTZ Camera-related devices. It does not belong on it's own and requires * the UnifiProtectAPI driver as a parent device. * * Instructions for using Tile Template method (originally based on @mircolino's HTML Templates): * 1) In "Hubitat -> Devices" select the child/sensor (not the parent) you would like to "templetize" * 2) In "Preferences -> Tile Template" enter your template (example below) and click "Save Preferences" * Ex: "[font size='2'][b]Temperature:[/b] ${ temperature }°${ location.getTemperatureScale() }[/br][/font]" * 3) In a Hubitat dashboard, add a new tile, and select the child/sensor, in the center select "Attribute", and on the right select the "Tile" attribute * 4) Select the Add Tile button and the tile should appear * NOTE: Should accept most HTML formatting commands with [] instead of <> * * Features List: * Ability to control general device settings * Ability to trigger device's locate function * Ability to check a website (mine) to notify user if there is a newer version of the driver available * Ability to move the camera left/right, up/down, and zoom in/out * Ability to move camera to home position * Ability to stop camera's movement * Ability to Take a picture with camera * * Licensing: * Copyright 2024 David Snell * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Version Control: * 0.1.1 - Added ability to move camera to a preset location and changed StopMoving command (it was needlessly complicated) * 0.1.0 - Initial version * * Thank you(s): * @Cobra for inspiration of how I perform driver version checking * @mircolino for HTML Template method for dashboard use */ // Returns the driver name def DriverName(){ return "UnifiProtectChild-PTZCamera" } // Returns the driver version def DriverVersion(){ return "0.1.1" } // Driver Metadata metadata{ definition( name: "UnifiProtectChild-PTZCamera", namespace: "Snell", author: "David Snell", importUrl: "https://www.drdsnell.com/projects/hubitat/drivers/UnifiProtectChild-PTZCamera.groovy" ) { capability "Sensor" capability "Actuator" capability "MotionSensor" capability "ImageCapture" capability "Refresh" // Commands //command "SetBrightness", [ [ name: "Brightness*", type: "ENUM", defaultValue: "3", constraints: [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" ], description: "REQUIRED: Brightness level of the floodlight from 0 (off) to 6 (full brightness)" ] ] //command "DoSomething" // For testing and development purposes only, it should not be uncommented for normal use //command "Locate" // Meant to help identify/locate the particular device by flashing the light command "MoveLeftRight", [ [ name: "X*", type: "NUMBER", description: 'Time In Milliseconds: Negative = Left / Positive = Right' ] ] command "MoveUpDown", [ [ name: "Y*", type: "NUMBER", description: 'Time In Milliseconds: Negative = Down / Positive = Up' ] ] command "Zoom", [ [ name: "Z*", type: "NUMBER", description: 'Time In Milliseconds: Negative = Zoom In / Positive = Zoom Out' ] ] command "GoToPreset", [ [ name: "Preset", type: "ENUM", constraints: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ], description: "Enter Preset to go to # (ex: 1 ... 9)" ] ] command "HomePosition" command "StopMoving" // Attributes for the driver itself attribute "DriverName", "string" // Identifies the driver being used for update purposes attribute "DriverVersion", "string" // Handles version for driver attribute "DriverStatus", "string" // Handles version notices for driver // General Device Attributes attribute "Type", "string" // The type of device, per Ubiquiti data // Attributes - Device Related attribute "Status", "string" // Show success/failure of commands performed attribute "Device Status", "string" // Show the current state of the device as reported by the controller attribute "Device Type", "string" // What type of device the child is respresenting // Device Attributes attribute "Dark", "enum", [ "true", "false" ] // Whether the light level is dark attribute "Indicator Enabled", "enum", [ "true", "false" ] // Whether the camera's indicator is enabled attribute "Recording Now", "enum", [ "true", "false" ] // Whether the camera is recording this moment attribute "Motion Events Today", "number" // Number of motion events today attribute "SnapshotURL", "string" attribute "SnapshotImage", "string" attribute "smartDetectType", "string" attribute "Last Motion", "string" attribute "Alarms", "map" // Tile Template attribute attribute "Tile", "string"; // Ex: "[font size='2'][b]Temperature:[/b] ${ temperature }°${ location.getTemperatureScale() }[/br][/font]" } preferences{ //section{ if( ShowAllPreferences ){ input( type: "string", name: "DeviceName", title: "Device Name", description: "If set it will change the device's name on the controller.", defaultValue: "${ device.label }") input( type: "number", name: "MicVolume", title: "Microphone Volume", description: "0 to 100", required: true, defaultValue: 100, range: "0..100" ) input( type: "bool", name: "StatusLED", title: "Status LED On/Off", defaultValue: false) input( type: "bool", name: "ExternalIR", title: "External IR Lights On/Off", defaultValue: false) input( type: "bool", name: "SystemSounds", title: "System Status Sounds On/Off", defaultValue: false) input( name: "TileTemplate", type: "string", title: "Tile Template", description: "Ex: [b]Temperature:[/b] \${ state.temperature }°${ location.getTemperatureScale() }[/br]", defaultValue: ""); input( type: "enum", name: "LogType", title: "Enable Logging?", required: false, multiple: false, options: [ "None", "Info", "Debug", "Trace" ], defaultValue: "Info" ) input( type: "bool", name: "ShowAllPreferences", title: "Show All Preferences?", defaultValue: true ) } else { input( type: "bool", name: "ShowAllPreferences", title: "Show All Preferences?", defaultValue: true ) } //} } } // updated def updated( boolean NewDevice = false ){ if( LogType == null ){ LogType = "Info" } if( NewDevice != true ){ SendSettings() } // Schedule daily check for driver updates to notify user def Hour = ( new Date().format( "h" ) as int ) def Minute = ( new Date().format( "m" ) as int ) def Second = ( new Date().format( "s" ) as int ) ProcessEvent( "DriverName", DriverName(), null, true ) ProcessEvent( "DriverVersion", DriverVersion(), null, true ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", null, null, true ) // Schedule checks that are only performed once a day schedule( "${ Second } ${ Minute } ${ Hour } ? * *", "CheckForUpdate" ) Logging( "Updated", 2 ) } // DoSomething is for testing and development purposes. It should not be uncommented for normal usage. def DoSomething(){ } // Attempts to trigger a snapshot image from the camera def take(){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.GetSnapshot( state.ID, device.getDeviceNetworkId() ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot get snapshot", 5 ) } } // refresh information on the specific child def refresh(){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.GetCameraStatus( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot refresh", 5 ) } } // Turn on the device's locate function to help locate/identify it def Locate(){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.LocateCamera( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot activate identify function", 5 ) } } // Configure device settings based on Preferences // Sample {"micVolume":100,"name":"G3 Instant","ledSettings":{"isEnabled":true},"osdSettings":{"isNameEnabled":false,"isDateEnabled":false,"isLogoEnabled":false,"isDebugEnabled":false},"ispSettings":{"isExternalIrEnabled":false},"speakerSettings":{"areSystemSoundsEnabled":false}} def SendSettings(){ if( state.ID != null ){ if( DeviceName != null && DeviceName != device.label ){ parent.SendCameraSettings( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID, "{\"micVolume\":${ MicVolume },\"name\":\"${ DeviceName }\",\"ledSettings\":{\"isEnabled\":${ StatusLED }},\"ispSettings\":{\"isExternalIrEnabled\":${ ExternalIR }},\"speakerSettings\":{\"areSystemSoundsEnabled\":${ SystemSounds }}}" ) } else { parent.SendCameraSettings( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID, "{\"micVolume\":${ MicVolume },\"name\":\"${ device.label }\",\"ledSettings\":{\"isEnabled\":${ StatusLED }},\"ispSettings\":{\"isExternalIrEnabled\":${ ExternalIR }},\"speakerSettings\":{\"areSystemSoundsEnabled\":${ SystemSounds }}}" ) } } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot send settings", 5 ) } } // Turn the camera Left/Right def MoveLeftRight( X = 0 ){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.MoveCameraXY( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID, X, 0 ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot move camera", 5 ) } } // Move the camera Up/Down def MoveUpDown( Y = 0 ){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.MoveCameraXY( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID, 0, Y ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot move camera", 5 ) } } // Zoom the camera In/Out def Zoom( Z = 0 ){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.ZoomCamera( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID, Z ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot zoom camera", 5 ) } } // Send the camera to the home position def HomePosition(){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.HomeCamera( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot home camera", 5 ) } } // Stop the camera if it is moving def StopMoving(){ if( state.ID != null ){ parent.StopCamera( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID ) } else { Logging( "No ID for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot stop camera", 5 ) } } // Move the camera to a preset position def GoToPreset( String Preset ){ if( state.MAC != null ){ parent.GoToPreset( device.getDeviceNetworkId(), state.ID, Preset ) } else { Logging( "No MAC for ${ device.getDeviceNetworkId() }, cannot move camera to preset ${ Preset }.", 5 ) } } // installed is called when the device is installed, all it really does is run updated def installed(){ Logging( "Installed", 2 ) updated( true ) } // initialize is called when the device is initialized, all it really does is run updated def initialize(){ Logging( "Initialized", 2 ) updated( true ) } // Return a state value def ReturnState( Variable ){ return state."${ Variable }" } // Tile Template method based on @mircolino's HTML Template method private void UpdateTile( String val ){ if( settings.TileTemplate ){ // Create special compound/html tile val = settings.TileTemplate.toString().replaceAll( "\\[", "<" ) val = val.replaceAll( "\\]", ">" ) val = val.replaceAll( ~/\$\{\s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*\}/ ) { java.util.ArrayList m -> device.currentValue("${ m [ 1 ] }").toString() } if( device.currentValue( "Tile" ).toString() != val ){ sendEvent( name: "Tile", value: val ) } } } // Process data to check against current state value and then send an event if it has changed def ProcessEvent( Variable, Value, Unit = null, ForceEvent = false ){ if( ( state."${ Variable }" != Value ) || ( ForceEvent == true ) ){ state."${ Variable }" = Value if( Unit != null ){ Logging( "Event: ${ Variable } = ${ Value }${ Unit }", 4 ) sendEvent( name: "${ Variable }", value: Value, unit: Unit, isStateChange: true ) } else { Logging( "Event: ${ Variable } = ${ Value }", 4 ) sendEvent( name: "${ Variable }", value: Value, isStateChange: true ) } UpdateTile( "${ Value }" ) } } // Process data to check against current state value and update if it has changed def ProcessState( Variable, Value ){ if( state."${ Variable }" != Value ){ Logging( "State: ${ Variable } = ${ Value }", 4 ) state."${ Variable }" = Value UpdateTile( "${ Value }" ) } } // Handles whether logging is enabled and thus what to put there. def Logging( LogMessage, LogLevel ){ // Add all messages as info logging if( ( LogLevel == 2 ) && ( LogType != "None" ) ){ log.info( "${ device.displayName } - ${ LogMessage }" ) } else if( ( LogLevel == 3 ) && ( ( LogType == "Debug" ) || ( LogType == "Trace" ) ) ){ log.debug( "${ device.displayName } - ${ LogMessage }" ) } else if( ( LogLevel == 4 ) && ( LogType == "Trace" ) ){ log.trace( "${ device.displayName } - ${ LogMessage }" ) } else if( LogLevel == 5 ){ log.error( "${ device.displayName } - ${ LogMessage }" ) } } // Checks drdsnell.com for the latest version of the driver // Original inspiration from @cobra's version checking def CheckForUpdate(){ ProcessEvent( "DriverName", DriverName() ) ProcessEvent( "DriverVersion", DriverVersion() ) httpGet( uri: "https://www.drdsnell.com/projects/hubitat/drivers/versions.json", contentType: "application/json" ){ resp -> switch( resp.status ){ case 200: if( resp.data."${ DriverName() }" ){ CurrentVersion = DriverVersion().split( /\./ ) if( resp.data."${ DriverName() }".version == "REPLACED" ){ ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "Driver replaced, please use ${ resp.data."${ state.DriverName }".file }" ) } else if( resp.data."${ DriverName() }".version == "REMOVED" ){ ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "Driver removed and no longer supported." ) } else { SiteVersion = resp.data."${ DriverName() }".version.split( /\./ ) if( CurrentVersion == SiteVersion ){ Logging( "Driver version up to date", 2 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "Up to date" ) } else if( ( CurrentVersion[ 0 ] as int ) > ( SiteVersion [ 0 ] as int ) ){ Logging( "Major development ${ CurrentVersion[ 0 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 1 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 2 ] } version", 4 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "Major development ${ CurrentVersion[ 0 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 1 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 2 ] } version" ) } else if( ( CurrentVersion[ 1 ] as int ) > ( SiteVersion [ 1 ] as int ) ){ Logging( "Minor development ${ CurrentVersion[ 0 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 1 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 2 ] } version", 4 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "Minor development ${ CurrentVersion[ 0 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 1 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 2 ] } version" ) } else if( ( CurrentVersion[ 2 ] as int ) > ( SiteVersion [ 2 ] as int ) ){ Logging( "Patch development ${ CurrentVersion[ 0 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 1 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 2 ] } version", 4 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "Patch development ${ CurrentVersion[ 0 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 1 ] }.${ CurrentVersion[ 2 ] } version" ) } else if( ( SiteVersion[ 0 ] as int ) > ( CurrentVersion[ 0 ] as int ) ){ Logging( "New major release ${ SiteVersion[ 0 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 1 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 2 ] } available", 2 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "New major release ${ SiteVersion[ 0 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 1 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 2 ] } available" ) } else if( ( SiteVersion[ 1 ] as int ) > ( CurrentVersion[ 1 ] as int ) ){ Logging( "New minor release ${ SiteVersion[ 0 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 1 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 2 ] } available", 2 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "New minor release ${ SiteVersion[ 0 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 1 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 2 ] } available" ) } else if( ( SiteVersion[ 2 ] as int ) > ( CurrentVersion[ 2 ] as int ) ){ Logging( "New patch ${ SiteVersion[ 0 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 1 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 2 ] } available", 2 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "New patch ${ SiteVersion[ 0 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 1 ] }.${ SiteVersion[ 2 ] } available" ) } } } else { Logging( "${ DriverName() } is not published on drdsnell.com", 2 ) ProcessEvent( "DriverStatus", "${ DriverName() } is not published on drdsnell.com" ) } break default: Logging( "Unable to check drdsnell.com for ${ DriverName() } driver updates.", 2 ) break } } }